Home-based pre-screening for symptoms will continue.
The Reception area continues to be the parking lot.
- Parents/guardians are asked to remain in their vehicles.
-Any parent/guardian/delivery worker who enters must complete a pre-entry screening for COVID-19.
Verbal screening by phone will continue to be required before entry.
Masks are now recommended, though not required.
Temperature continues to be taken on entry using a contactless thermometer.
- Anyone with a fever-level temperature (38°C and above) will be asked to exit and rebook for 2 weeks later.
Hand Sanitizer will continue to be dispensed on entry to the office and on exit from the clinic.
Washrooms and brushing areas remain closed.
Occupancy Limits
- The office will be limited to 7-8 patients or family groups at any given time.
Office Layout and Social Distancing
- Routes of passage have been mapped out on the floor.
- Patients are asked to maintain a minimum 2 metres from other patients.
- Curtains have been hung in the clinic where 2 metre distancing is not possible. Plexiglas guards have been set up at the reception desk.
- Appointments are staggered for reduced traffic within the office at any given time.
Your child’s next appointment will be booked before they leave the office. Please call our receptionists if you need to change the date/time.
Additional Items:
- As always, our office maintains a high level of infection control procedures between all patients for public safety.
- Common areas outside the clinic will continue to undergo more frequent cleaning, including door handles, the front desk countertop, etc.
- To date, there have been no documented COVID-19 transmissions linked to a dental setting in BC.